
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

I'm Home

I started my steroids on Wednesday 19th June 2013, the same day I was told I was going to be taking them and the same day I was given my biopsy results. I'm on a very low dose of Dexamethason, I have to take four tablets in the morning after breakfast and four tablets in the evening at dinner. This will be reduced soon as I'm only to be on them for 3 or 4 weeks. The steroids are used to help with any swelling in my brain.

My Mum and I went to a lovely vintage style tea and coffee shop called, Chin! Chin! which is in Bristol, while we were waiting to collect my steroids from the Pharmacist. We shared a very tasty slice of Victoria Sponge Cake and had a delicious cup of Earl Grey tea (one of my favourite types of tea).

At Chin! Chin!

That evening my family and I went to a a fish restaurant along the Bristol harbour. We invited a young girl called MiMi, who is 6 years old and was staying at the CLIC Sargent Home From Home the same time we were staying there, as her adorable cousin Jay, is receiving treatment for his cancer. MiMi is a walking, talking encyclopaedia when it comes to dinosaurs. She can name every single dinosaur there ever was off by heart. MiMi had a brilliant time and really enjoyed her meal, so did we all! My sister Rebecca had lobster, my Mum had fish cake and chips, my Dad had a prawn dish, I had a spicy, ginger prawn dish with fluffy rice and MiMi had mussels and chips. The food was amazing, and if I could remember what the restaurant was called I would tell you, as it is a must place to eat if you're in Bristol and are a fish fan.

I was allowed to go back to N. Ireland 48 hours after starting my steroids, just to make sure I was OK on them and didn't take an allergic reaction to them. Luckily the steroids haven't caused too many unpleasant side effects. My Dad went back to N. Ireland on Friday 21st June 2013 as my Dad had to go by Ferry in order to take the car back home, together with all my LUSH and other beauty products. My Mum, sister and I had planned to go back on Monday 24th June 2013, but I couldn't wait to get home into my own bed, in my own house, that's when my Mum made the decision on the morning of Sunday 23rd June to fly home that afternoon. I was so excited to get home and see Harry my pug, as well as my four fish and cat. I didn't realise how much I missed home until I had to be away, its not like going on holiday. I was sad that I wasn't going to to see my new friends but I know we will catch up again in the future. With only a few hours to get packed, washed, dressed, tidy our room at the CLIC Sargent House, say goodbye to new friends of ours at Bristol Children's Hospital and have lunch, it was a bit of a rush, but surprisingly we were early for our flight and had plenty of time spare so we stopped for a Starbucks. Luckily when flying home I didn't have as much pressure in my head than when flying to Bristol, this can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable. Although, since arriving home, my eyes have been playing me up so much that all I can do is rest and sleep, luckily today they're starting to feel a teeny weeny bit better. Hopefully over time they will improve as I'm finding it very tiring and my eyes have been hurting quite a lot. Being stuck at home means I have been occupying myself by doing word searches and I am still busy with my fundraising for The Brain Tumour Charity - Danielle McGriskin Fund.  I have some exciting news to share with you about the possibility of a large organisation choosing my charity to be their charity of the year. I'm also looking forward to catching up with my friends and hope to see them before they go away on holiday, and before I go (fingers crossed) on a short trip to the Harry Potter Studio in London with my family which I'm very excited about. In Northern Ireland we are lucky that schools finish at the end of June, so its a long holiday for us and hopefully I will be used to getting my radiotherapy, so I can aim to get back to school in September to sit my A Levels.  My mum has taken some time off work to look after me full time and my sister has finished school too, but Dad is still at work at the moment.

The steroids are now working and have been making my food taste very salty and strange, they also make my tongue feel as if I've burnt it, which I haven't. I had some ice-cream when my Mum, sister and I went to Bristol's Big Market. The ice-cream tasted extremely salty and I couldn't eat it at all as it was so unpleasant. The same day I had spaghetti at a really nice Italian restaurant and that also tasted very salty, although yesterday I found that chocolate milkshake tastes normal! Not the healthiest thing to drink but at least it tastes normal.

Even though I'm not currently in Bristol anymore, I will still be writing this Blog, as it is my journey about living with Annie (my brain tumour) and I hope that you will follow. I have done a little bit of video recording when my family and I were in Bristol. I'm hoping to put together all the short videos that were taken, so please check out my Blog every so often to read my posts, or scroll to the bottom of this web page and in the space provided type in your email address to receive an email when I have posted something new on my Blog. As you can see at the top right hand side of my Blog I have a list called, ''Things I would like to see/do before I go to Bristol'', unfortunately I didn't have time to do everything on this list before my family and I went to Bristol for my biopsy operation. I also made a list before I went to Bristol of things I would like to see/do in life, a bit like a bucket list. I was inspired to write a list of things I would like to see/do in life by an amazing girl called Alice Pyne who sadly passed away from cancer, Alice also wrote a Blog.

Danielle :)