I met with my neurosurgeon at RVH, Belfast on Thursday 3rd October 2013 to discuss the different treatment options for Annie (my brain tumour) as suggested by the medics from Bristol and Belfast. The outcome of this appointment was that my neurosurgeon gave us another treatment option to think about. He was also brought my case to another MDM (Multi Disciplinary Meeting) in Belfast. At the MDM a decision was made that Belfast would let Bristol take over my care regarding my brain tumour, as there needs to be one main carer to take charge so we can move forward with my treatment plan and getting me better. We were told this on Tuesday 8th October 2013, we were also told that my treatment plan has been confirmed by the medics in Bristol. The decision is, I will be having six months of IMRT Radiotherapy at a hospital in Bristol. Although Belfast have an IMRT radiotherapy machine, they've never given this type of treatment on the brain before. I'm very pleased that Bristol are taking over my care for my tumour, as they've been very consistent, understanding and have made sure that any decision that has been made has been relayed back to my family and I. So that I can receive this treatment my Mum, Amanda and I will be living at a CLIC Sargent house in Bristol again, just like my family and I did when I was having a biopsy of my brain tumour in Bristol. It is a very long time to be away from family and friends, but my Mum and I are going to try and come home to see my Dad and sister, Rebecca as much as possible, and vice versa. As I don't have a confirmed date for when I will be going to Bristol (I should be going in the next coming weeks), Mum and I have been getting ready in preparation for the day. As I'll be away from school, I am going to try and continue with a couple of my A-Levels. I am going to miss my friends and family but I'm sure we'll keep in contact by text, Facebook and everything else. I've started steroids again yesterday, and I'll be on these for a few weeks, so that means cravings for Fanta lemon! The steroids will help ease my symptoms whilst I wait for the treatment to begin.
My family and I went out for dinner together on Sunday 6th October 2013 to The Tannery, Moira. It was the second time that I had been out in three weeks, the first was my hospital appointment to see my neurosurgeon, which doesn't really count. It was really nice to go out but also very tiring. This week will be my fourth week off school. I'm in a lot of pain caused by my head and eyes as well as pressure headaches and vision problems, which is making me stay off school. I'm lucky that my school is allowing me to do my A-Levels over three years.
I ordered a pair of false nails from
Devine Nails. They're a business in N. Ireland who make personalised false nails for every occasion. I decided to have the brain cancer awareness ribbon on my nails, ready for March which is brain cancer awareness month (I know it's ages away, but I just couldn't wait to get them!). My Mum, Amanda got a pair too.
My Brain Cancer Awareness Ribbon nails from
Devine Nails. |
As you may have seen I've added a list to my blog just like I did before I went to Bristol to have a biopsy of my tumour, of all of the things I would like to see/do before I go to Bristol to have IMRT Radiotherapy. So far I've ticked one thing off my list, which was to go to the cinema. My Mum, sister and I went to the cinema over the weekend and saw the movie Diana. We thought it was a fantastic film and the actors and actresses were superb.
Danielle X
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